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Turkish Citizenship Frequently Asked Questions

• The real person who buys the real estate in her own name or promises to sell the real estate on the condition of paying the price in advance with a contract drawn up from a notary public will be able to apply for citizenship.

• This person's spouse and children under the age of 18 can also apply for citizenship if they prepare the necessary documents and documents, and they automatically acquire citizenship.

• If the applicant has a child over the age of 18, they will not be able to acquire citizenship depending on their parents, and individual applications will be made by providing the required conditions for them.

• Depositing 500.000 USD in the bank. • Making a commitment that the deposited deposit will be kept in the bank account for at least 3 years. • The investment made is approved by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency.

• The deposit investment does not have to be in USD. The amount of the transaction can be executed in USD equivalent of foreign currency or its equivalent in Turkish Lira.

• It is necessary to pay the real estate sales price between the Buyer and the Seller through banks. • It is necessary to prove with bank receipts that the amount has left the buyer's account and entered the seller's account.

• In the legislation, there is no obligation to complete residence permit or citizenship applications within a certain period of time. • Considering the issues such as security investigation and bureaucratic procedures, the process is completed in a minimum of 4 months and a maximum of 6 months. Exceptions can of course be made.

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